"Pay What You Can" Studio Hire
Every 3 months
Every year

Limited Time Offer

Just need a space to experiment and discover?

Our Pay What You Can Membership offers a Massively reduced rate on our main studios, and also allows you to book Studio 2 in our Haggerston location for whatever price you can afford.

We have 2 hire options - to guarantee your slot use the “Hire!” options below at £22 per hour.
Alternatively, you can “Pay What You Can”
In order to access the “Pay What You Can” booking form you’ll need to join our studio membership below. It’s £30 for a 3 month block.

“Pay What You Can” bookings are for Actors, Writers and Directors looking for a space to train,
practice or develop unfunded work.
Talk to us about your needs and your financial situation and we can usually work something out.

All “Pay What You Can” bookings are regarded as "On Hold" in case a fully paid booking comes in.
If this happens we contact you and you have 3 options. A -
Pay full price and secure your booking. B - Move your booking to another free slot C - Request refund 

If you'd prefer to pay for your slot to secure it please book by CLICKING HERE


- Pay What You Can is for UNFUNDED rehearsals, devising, training and any non-commercial theatrical use only.

- Your booking acts as a “pencil”, If we receive a full priced booking which clashes with your booking you will be given the following options

  1. You can pay full price and secure your booking

  2. You can move your slot to a time which is free in the studio

  3. You can receive a full refund

- You can cancel your booking up to 48 hours before your booking and receive a full refund.

- Cancellations within 48 hours will not be refunded, instead we will offer you to reschedule your booking.

- A member must make a booking and be present at the studio during your booking.

- You can use any props/furniture and configure the studio as you wish, but you must return the studio as you found it.

- Please pay what you can afford, We are able to offer our full studio at this rate due to the continued support of our community. Together we can tackle the problem of prohibitively expensive creative spaces.

- The intention for this scheme is to help unfunded work and training according to all reasonable “fair usage”. If you need more than 3 consecutive days rehearsal we may be in touch to discuss what a fair discount on our full rate would be for that amount of time. We are always willing to work with your budget, but it may require flexibility of your side - otherwise we just wouldn’t be able to afford to run the scheme!