All of our work here finds it’s roots in the “Meisner Technique”. A technique of learning how to act developed by Sanford Meisner.

All students must complete a 5 day introduction course before booking further training.

Our website is undergoing a much needed upgrade, but please read a quick overview of how to navigate the currrent workshop lineup (we are working on making this smoother!)

  1. Meisner Technique Intro Intensives - This is a 5 day intensive workshop, a required introduction before booking other acting classes at AE

  2. Drop-ins - These are weekly (usually) one off classes that you can attend to keep up your practice, or specialise in an area that you are currently working on.

  3. Long Term Training - Currently these are booked by contacting us by clicking below on the relavant class. Tom Radcliffe’s classes are via a waiting list, and Simon Furness will require you to email him directly.

  4. Online - Please visit the online workshop page for more info on what is currently offered.

Thank you for you patience