All of our work here finds it’s roots in the “Meisner Technique”. A technique of learning how to act developed by Sanford Meisner.
All students must complete a 5 day introduction course before booking further training.
Our website is undergoing a much needed upgrade, but please read a quick overview of how to navigate the currrent workshop lineup (we are working on making this smoother!)
Meisner Technique Intro Intensives - This is a 5 day intensive workshop, a required introduction before booking other acting classes at AE
Drop-ins - These are weekly (usually) one off classes that you can attend to keep up your practice, or specialise in an area that you are currently working on.
Long Term Training - Currently these are booked by contacting us by clicking below on the relavant class. Tom Radcliffe’s classes are via a waiting list, and Simon Furness will require you to email him directly.
Online - Please visit the online workshop page for more info on what is currently offered.
Thank you for you patience